Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1 Year Old


Logan is now 1 yr old and it makes me a little sad because I can't believe how fast the year has gone. We had an outrageously huge party on this birthday Sunday Sept. 7th. It was a dog theme. Just about all of our families were there and lots of friends too. Logan got so much stuff I have no idea where to put it all. He destroyed his cake (like there were any doubts that he wouldn't)- loved it! His favorite gift was his wagon from Grandma- it has been raining a lot so we have just been pushing it up and down the hall and he cries when it is time to get out. Todd took him to the Dr. for his 1 yr check up and he weighs 23lbs and is in good health- we have come a long way from the 5lb 15oz baby we brought home from the hospital. He eats everything in site and always wants more. We have gotten rid of the bottle and have moved on to real milk. Logan will take a few steps before he decides that crawling or should I say hopping on his knees is a faster way to get where he wants to go. He chatters non stop and still loves playing with his doggies.

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