Thursday, March 26, 2009

18 Months

I took Logan for his 18 month check up last week and he weighed in at 27.8 lbs and 32.5" long. The Dr. said he is certainly healthy!! He has started going to story hour on Wed. with Aunt Mary Beth (and Uncle Gary when he is home) and he loves it. He is a little bit of a brown noser to the teacher!! Logan will start his music class again this week which I sure he will love even more than he did before. He has developed quite the temper and is not afraid to show it especially in public to my horror but for the most part he is still a very good boy!

1 comment:

Blizzard/Wedman Family said...

Too Cute! I want to go to story hour with Logan too. Maybe Cousin Ollie can go with him one day? Super fun!